How to Apply
We ask that you carefully review the required steps listed below for application.
Candidates for Junior-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
- Parents contact the Admissions Office for an admission packet.
- Parents arrange for a campus tour and/or an Open House visit.
- Parents submit an Application for Admission.
- Junior-kindergarten candidates must be at least four years old by September 1st of the entrance year.
- Kindergarten candidates must be at least five years old by September 1st of the entrance year.
- A birth certificate as well as a health certificate, which includes an immunization certificate for prevention of communicable diseases, as required by the Health Department, must be presented before a child is admitted to the first day of class.
- All children entering public or private school in California for the first time must be immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubella and rubeola, and HIB. All students must be in compliance with all Los Angeles County health department regulations before they can enter school.

Candidates for Grades One through Eight.
- Parents contact the Admissions Office for an admissions packet
- Parents arrange for a campus tour and/or an Open House visit
- Parents submit an Application for Admission
- A child may enter the first grade if he/she is 6 years old on or before September 1 of the current school year and has satisfactorily completed the kindergarten program in a public or non-public school from which the Diocese accepts transfer of academic credit
- All incoming students who are transferring from another school are required to take and pass an entrance test before they are enrolled at St. Marianne Catholic School
- A birth certificate as well as a health certificate, which includes an immunization certificate for prevention of communicable diseases, as required by the Health Department, must be presented before a child is admitted to class
- Candidate’s current school submits the student’s transcript from the current year to St. Marianne School.
- Candidate’s current school submits the student’s transcript from the last two years to Resurrection Catholic School (if applicable)
- All children entering public or private school in California for the first time must be immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubella and rubeola, and HIB. All students must be in compliance with all Los Angeles County health department regulations before they can enter school
- Baptismal certificates are required for students preparing for the sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, or Confirmation
- The Admissions Office contacts families to schedule candidate testing on our campus
- Once the candidate’s admission file is completed, the Admissions Committee will carefully consider each file and the families will be notified of the admission decision